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PresentationClock displays a timer or clock that is always visible on the screen. Easily customize the type of display, font, size, colors, and position. Use it as an overlay on existing PowerPoint or Impress slides for timed presentations. No installation required.
(1) Downloads
(2) Features and Screenshots
PresentationClock screenshot 1 PresentationClock screenshot 2 PresentationClock screenshot 3
(3) Usage and Requirements
To run PresentationClock with the default settings, simply double-click on the "PresentationClock.jar" file. PresentationClock can also be invoked from the command line with custom settings (see "readme.txt" for more information).

A Java Runtime Environment (JRE 6+) is required to run PresentationClock (download Java).

(4) License
PresentationClock is free and open-source software released under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GNU GPLv3). Copyright 2011 Zach Scrivena.

The clock icon belongs to the Silk icon set version 1.3 created by Mark James. It is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

(5) Support
Please send me an email or visit the feedback forum if you have any questions, bug reports, or comments. All feedback is welcomed!